Home > Academics > Academic Units > Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FoE&A) > G.S Sanyal School of Telecommunication > Saswat Chakrabarti
* Wireless Communications * Biomedical Signal Processing * Cognitive Radio * Neuronal Signal Processing and Communication
A Discrete Time Framework for Spike Transfer Process in a Cortical Neuron with Asynchronous EPSP, IPSP, and Variable Threshold by Ganguly C., Chakrabarti S. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 772-781 (2020)
A leaky integrate and fire model for spike generation in a neuron with variable threshold and multiple-inputâ single-output configuration by Ganguly C., Chakrabarti S. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 - (2019)
A Two Pulse Synthesis (TPS) Based Method and System for DVP Signal Analysis by Chakrabarti S., Mukhopadhyay J. , Chaudhury K. , Goswami D. - (2017)
BER Performance Analysis of Energy Harvesting Underlay Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network with Randomly Located Primary Users and Secondary Relays by Shome A., Dutta A., Chakrabarti S. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology - (2021)
Real-time OGC compliant online data monitoring and acquisition network for management of hydro-meteorological hazards by Chakrabarti S., Sen D. , Dey S. , Bhattacharya N. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 23 157-166 (2017)
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National and Subnational Disaster Risk and Resilience Assessment and Roadmap for Telecommunication Sector, India. PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Ltd. (India)
Archita Hore
Area of Research: Electronic Circuits and Signal Processing
Ayan Chakraborty
Area of Research: Computational neuroscience